Come and See
I had Community Life Conference as part of my Come and See Experience. Sister Mae Valdez, Vocation Director invited Sister Josie Ramac from Mother Joseph Province as the resource person for this topic I have learned a lot of things during the class, what stood out was how Sister Josie emphasized the importance of prayer in our lives, especially in community living. I have realized that every day is a learning curve in community living. It has its own challenges that can either cultivate or be a hindrance to one another’s relationship within the community. On the last day of my online class, Sister Josie invited Sisters Mae and Rezebeth to join us. The three sisters shared their personal experiences in community living, the joy as well as the challenges, how they rise above each situation, and how prayer played a vital role in their lives.
Reflection: By Azenette (Ting) Trongco, Discerner