Our Spirituality & Charism

The spirit that animates our community is a legacy from Blessed Mother Émilie herself: love for God and for those most vulnerable in our society. This love, as Sister Lina Gaudette wrote, is characteristic of Providence Spirituality. Through Blessed Mother Émilie’s personal experiences and deep devotion to Our Mother of Sorrows, she understood the pain of others and found herself entirely dependent on a Provident God. Hence, our charism is the manifestation of the mysteries of the Providence of God and Our Mother of Sorrows in compassionate love and creative prophetic solidarity with the poor.
The Pieta, a representation of Our Mother of Sorrows
Another characteristic spirituality of the Sisters of Providence is the Vincentian Spirituality from St. Vincent de Paul. The first Religious Sisters of the congregation followed the Rules of St. Vincent de Paul until it was adapted to the needs of the community in 1858. These rules are centered on the virtues of humility, simplicity, and charity.
"...your monastery, at times, is but the homes of the sick; your cell, a rented room; your chapel, the parish church; your cloister, the city streets or hospital wards; your enclosure, obedience; your grate, the fear of God; and saintly modesty, your only veil..."
-from the Rules of St. Vincent de Paul

A painting of St. Vincent de Paul at SP house in Montréal

Theological Reflections on Providence
Sister Lina Gaudette, an educator and a Sister of Providence for over 60 years, wrote a book called Theological Reflections on Providence. The culmination of her years of teaching, studying, and reflecting on Providence moved her to share her thoughts through the pages of the book. Click on each chapter to read the book.
"These reflections arise from insights found in Sacred Scriptures and in some of my favourite authors. Over time, the language - but not the meaning - may have been altered somewhat as I mulled the message in my mind and tried to live by it."
- Sr. Lina Gaudette, SP (1921 - 2011)